Full Descriptions
DCP Community can provide your organization or group with pre-designed workshop one customized to address your community and organizational needs. We also have a list of available lecturers who will provide educational seminars or presentations upon request. Pre-designed workshop prices include speakers’ travel and lodging. Call for pricing 404-926-6563.
Introduction to Book Publishing (P101)
Seminars providing information about the publishing process. Learn about Copyright Laws, ISBNs, Printing, Publishing Resources, Project Development, Marketing and More. Supplies Included.
Introduction to Music Publishing (M101)
Seminar provides information about developing your music project from publishing to distribution. Workshop includes the Structure of the Music Business; Artist professionalism; testing and more.
Business Ethics & Professionalism (BEAP)
Providing your staff with tools for your success. The BEAP Workshop is geared towards professionalism and your company goals. Bringing them together will bring you success.
Career Development & Pre-Employment Prep (CDAPEP)
This workshop is excellent for those entering the workforce or changing careers. This well-rounded class teaches resume building skills from a cover letter point of view. Exercises, mock interviews and more.
Business Development for Business Owners (BD4BO)
Get your sales department going with this one day seminar for business owners only. Learn how to access company productivity; marketing techniques, how to advertise and more. Private assessments available. Developed for New and Ongoing business.
Law & Social Ethics (LASE)
Developed for young people, this powerhouse workshop allows students to learn their responsibilities & rights when dealing in Society. Students review History, Law, Economics & more
Science and Biology Workshops (SAB)
The ongoing study of elements and ecosystems in our world today.
Community Economics & Development (CEAD)
AEL & CEAD are lectures facilitated by various community lecturers. (AEL) are Metaphysical/Spiritual Lectures and (CEAD) lectures are more politically conscious. Call DCP for your Lecture needs.
All Lectures have allotted time for Q&A or activities.
Prices are subject to change. Due to the amount of guest per workshop and speaker’s expenses it is our policy not to include this price list in catalogs.
Community Based Workshop (LASE, GKW, AEL & CEAD) prices are always Negotiable. Please call for details. Your DCP Representative can help you with any questions or workshop ideas.